From IWWF EC Bye-Laws
4.1. Descriptions
The following words may not be used in the title of a competition without the authority of the Admincom:
= “EC”, “E&A”, “European” or “Europe”
= Words implying a multinational area
= “Championships” applied to competitions other than those involving only members of the same Federation.
The organizers of all competitions containing the words “EC”, “E&A”, “European” or “Europe” in their title require the approval of the Admincom.
Article 4.10.1 applies to those competitions as to the fees to be paid to the EC in accordance with Appendix-A to the Letter of Agreement and Obligations for Titled Events (split to the EC).
The organizers of EC or E&A Titled Events are bound by the provisions in the Letter of Agreement and Obligations for Titled Events.
4.2. Rights
The rights to all competitions described in art. 4.1 containing the words “EC”, “E&A”, “European” or “Europe” on its title belong to the EC.
4.3. Restriction
No other Waterski competition shall be allowed to take place on the same site in conjunction with, or on consecutive days, before or after an EC, E&A or European “Championship” or “Cup” event without prior approval of the relevant Council and the Admincom.
4.4. Calendar
Fines for late notification :
1. November 30th – finalized date for all events with EC, E&A or European in the title. Recommendation :
November 30th the Councils will publish the calendar with all events with EC, E&A or European in the title. Some events might not be allocated yet.
In that case the Council will decide on the date of the event and this cannot be changed anymore in order to allow the Federations to work out their national calendar. When a bid is made for an EC, E&A or European titled event after November 30th it can only be done for the date as foreseen by the Council. There will be no fine for late registration of an EC, E&A or European titled event.
2. January 15th – finalized date for all other international competitions.
3. If competitions are added to the calendar after the Congress, the following fines will be levied :
= Fine till March 1st : 100 Euro.
= Fine from March 2nd till May 31st : 200 Euro.
Competitions cannot normally be added to the calendar after May 31st. However, Federations may apply to the relevant EC divisional Council for permission to add a competition up to 30 days before the proposed start date of the competition. The EC Council will decide if the competition is allowed to be added to the calendar. If it is allowed a (late) fine of 400 Euro will be levied.
In the case of Cash Prize or Record Capability Homologation, the organiser must submit the names of their proposed jury panel at the time of the application.
4. Fine for changing the dates or place of a calendar competition after March 1st = 100 Euro.
5. Fine for cancelling a calendar competition after March 1st = 200 Euro.
6. The fine for cancelling EC or E&A Championships will be according to the Letter of Agreement.
7. These fines are to be decided upon by the relevant Council who can deem that a “force majeure” situation voids the fine. The Council will send the list of the approved fines to the EC office, which will send the invoices to the Federations concerned.
Full information on the event must be sent to all appointed officials no later than 60 days before the event to enable them to purchase the most economical rate air fares. Should the information not be sent in time and the officials be unable to obtain the most economical rate, then the organiser shall be responsible for the excess.
An organizing Federation cancelling or changing the date or venue of a Calendar competition less than two months before the original date on the Calendar, becomes responsible for reimbursing any substantiated expenses necessarily incurred by Officials appointed by the EC for the competition.
When a Federation organizes an event on the territory of another country where there is an existing Federation, then it needs to have the authorization of the host Federation.
4.4.1. Entry Fees
Entry fees for all titled events shall be fixed by the Admincom and must be approved by the Congress.
See the LAO, Appendix-A, for the current list of Entry fees.
4.4.2. Intention to Enter Form
An organizing Federation cancelling or changing the date or venue of an EC or E&A Titled event less than two months before the original date on the Calendar, becomes responsible for reimbursing any substantiated expenses necessarily incurred by Federations who have sent in time an ‘Intention to Enter’ form for the Championships.
If required by the relevant Council :
For all EC and E&A Titled Events the EC office will send an ‘Intention to Enter’ form to the Federations. This ‘Intention to Enter’ form has to be returned to the organizing Federation and to the EC representative to the event with a deadline of two months before the start of the competition.
A Federation entering a team (even of only one skier) after that deadline, will be fined 200 Euro.
The following paragraph only applies to Waterski and Wakeboard Boat.
It also applies to Disabled when their Championships are organized together with a Waterski Championships.
To be accepted, the “Intention to Enter” form must be accompanied by a deposit amounting to 50 Euro for each athlete mentioned on the form.
(For instance : 3 athletes : 3x 50 = 150 Euro).
This amount must be paid as outlined in the event bulletin and is non-refundable.
This 50 Euro will be deducted from the entry fee to be paid for each athlete.
The Federation may enter up to two additional athletes more than originally declared on the “Intention to Enter” form. If more than two additional athletes participate, then a fee of 50 Euro per additional athlete will be levied upon that Federation.
4.5. Categories of events
4.5.1. Titled events
A titled event is one for which the Letter of Agreement and Obligations for Titled Events forms a contract between the host Federation and the EC.
Although the Confederations of Europe and Africa are separate entities, for the time being the European Confederation organises E&A Championships with possible participation of African athletes.
Should a site inspection be required by the Council concerned, the Council will appoint a person to inspect and report on the site. Their travel and accommodation costs shall be the responsibility of the Federation bidding for the event. Bidding for titled events
Bids for events within four years shall be submitted to the EC President with copies to the Secretary General and the President of the Council concerned with the same information as below for approval by the Board or by the Admincom.
Bids shall be in writing and should be supported by the following:
1) Confirmation the Letter of Agreement and Obligations will be honored
2) Proposed site with maps and pictures. In case of a new site, dates and information of previous homologated competitions held at that site. The relevant Council must confirm that the site is suitable.
3) Dates of training and competition
4) Accommodation and costs
5) Name of proposed sponsor if known
6) Visa requirements
7) If required by the Council a cash deposit may be required subject to agreement by the Board.
8) Any proposed charge for tickets to the final or presentation dinner, including the currency in which the charge will be payable.
9) If lunch is to be provided free of charge, or the approximate price.
10) Which currency will be used for hotel and other expenses (see art 4.8) and if credit cards will be accepted for such payments.
The decision on whether to accept or reject the bid shall be made by the Board or by the Admincom.
Unless detailed and approved when the bid is awarded, there shall be no charge under 8) and 9) and no change under 10).
Only upon approval of the bid by the relevant Council, the Board will either countersign the LAO or negotiate proposed exceptions to the LAO.
Any contract entered into by the organizer before the LAO has been signed and returned by the EC shall be at the organizers own risk. Precedence
The order of precedence at Titled events of the EC or E&A is:
1) The President or the person duly appointed by the President to represent him/her. The person gets the title of EC Ambassador.
2) The Secretary General
3) The President of the Council concerned
4) The Vice President
5) The EC official representative (if not one of the above)
6) A member of the Admincom or the Council secretary concerned Rules of Eligibility for competitors
A competitor who competes in a waterski or wakeboard competition declared off-limits by either Confederation EC or the National Federation on whose territory the events takes place, may not be eligible for any EC or E&A Titled Event for a period of up to 12 months.
Such instances will be reported to the Admincom who shall rule. Rules of Eligibility for Officials
An official who takes part in a waterski or wakeboard competition declared off-limits by either Confederation EC or the National Federation on whose territory the events takes place, may have his official qualification suspended for a period of up to 12 months.
Such instances will be reported to the Admincom who shall rule. Late Entries for titled events
Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Rules of a division, the following will apply:
A late entry fee of 10 Euro per day per competitor shall be levied on each entry not received 15 days before the first official day of familiarization or the first day of competition if there is no familiarization.
Late entries will only be accepted with the consent of the Organizer and Chief Judge. Team or individual athletes not showing up
The entry fees of team or individual athletes failing to show an entry form has been submitted by their Federation shall still be payable in full, unless a valid written excuse is received by 12 noon two days before the start of the competition.
The Chief Judge shall decide whether or not the excuse is valid. Medals – Awards and Restrictions
At each competition covered by the Letter of Agreement and Obligations for Titled Events Gold, Silver and Bronze medals should be awarded to the first, second and third placed competitor in each event and the overall.
If only a few competitors are present in any event the Council may decide the number of medals to be awarded. In which case this must be contained in their Additional Rules.
Team medals shall be awarded to the official members of the team, plus one for the Federation in a commemorative box of the first three winning teams subject to the same restrictions on qualified numbers as above. Prize-giving ceremony
The competitors in the first three positions shall be called to mount the podium in order 3rd, 2nd, 1st. After the medals are presented the competitors’ national flags are being hoisted and the national hymn of the winners country is played.
Not showing up for a podium can be regarded as unsportsmanlike conduct.
In such case sanctions can be applied (see art 5 – Discipline). Dress at Award Ceremonies
It is the responsibility of each National Federation to ensure its medal winners wear their team uniform appropriate to the place of the ceremony.
4.5.2. Cash Prize Competitions
This rule shall only apply where the value of the Cash Prize (see definitions) exceeds 2.500 Euro. These rules may be changed on the recommendation of a Divisional Council and the approval of the Administrative Committee.
In competitions in which the Cash Prize total is up to 7.000 Euro, (CP2), the expenses of the judges and officials for travel and board and lodging covering the period from one day before the competition to either its conclusion or the morning afterwards, depending on the end of the competition, are to be paid by the organizer. Travel shall be paid up to a maximum of 300 Euro.
In competitions in which the Cash Prize is more than 7.000 Euro, (CP1), the expenses of the judges and officials for travel and board and lodging covering the period from one day before the competition to either its conclusion or the morning afterwards, depending on the end of the competition, are to be paid by the organizer. Travel shall be paid up to a maximum of 800 Euro.
Where air fares are payable they shall be at the most economical rates (on a regular flight !) from their own country where available. If the Official pays a higher amount for any reason he will be reimbursed on the most economical fare basis from his own country.
Where surface travel is more practical than air travel the amount payable shall be 2nd class rail fare and ferry.
If a Cash Prize event is downgraded or extended in duration, the Organizer must advise the relevant Council Chairman, the Administrative Office and all appointed Officials at least 60 days before the event. Any appointed Official shall have the right to withdraw from the event up to 42 days before the first day of competition.
A withdrawing Official must notify the Organizer, the relevant Council Chairman and the Administrative Office.
The responsibility to replace a withdrawing Official is that of the Organizer.
When a persisting financial disagreement occurs between the Board and the National Federation responsible for the organization of the competition, a vote of the Admincom will be taken within 14 days of the request of that Federation. The vote will be concerned only with two amounts: that proposed by the Board and that proposed by the National Federation.
4.6. Homologation of competitions
National Federations are to pay to the EC an homologation fee for their national and international competitions for which they present an homologation dossier in accordance with the Divisional Council Additional Rules.
The National Championships, or an equivalent name, are exempted from such a fee. When these are run in several parts the final one is the only one exempted.
Homologation fees will be invoiced by the end of the financial year.
4.7. Invitation protocol
Federations shall ensure that a competition organiser does not accept the entry of a competitor who is not a member of his national Federation or who belongs to another Federation which has advised the Federation that this athlete is not allowed to compete.
Participants in an EC or E&A Titled Event who are members of a Federation outside EC or AC can only get invited by the relevant Council, not by the local organizer or federation. They may enter the final as an additional athlete but shall not be eligible for a medal or title.
4.8. Expenses reimbursed to Officials
The currency to be used for hotel and other expenses (by officials and competitors) should always be the local currency unless, when the bid for a competition was received, notice of other currency requirements were made and approved by the Admincom.
Any expenses repayable by the organiser to Officials must be paid at the beginning of the competition and shall be in a currency which can be legally taken out of the country.
4.9. Recognition of non-specified Officials
A member of the Admincom or a Divisional council presenting his official EC card shall be given due recognition at any EC or E&A Titled event.
4.10. Fees
4.10.1. Sanction fees
Fees for all competitions containing the words “EC”, “E&A”, “European” or “Europe” in their title are set out in the Letter of Agreement and Obligations.
4.10.2. Homologation, registration and ranking list fees
The homologation fees are payable on the submission of an homologation dossier or by entering a divisional rankings list, even if the homologation or the homologation level is refused.
Registration fees are payable on putting a competition on the EC calendar.
The Admincom will set homologation and registration fees each year as agreed with the Councils and notify the Federations in advance.
4.10.3. Cash Prize fees
For Cash Prize Competitions as defined in art. 4.5.2 the relevant divisional Council may levy a fee on the organizing Federation of 10% of the total value of the Cash Prize. Such levy shall not exceed a maximum of 2.500 Euro.
4.10.4. Fee for sponsor titled competitions on the official Calendar
EC Central, i.e. the Board or the Admincom, may levy a fee which shall be a minimum of 1.000 Euro unless the fee is equaled by or exceeded by the levy under art. 4.10.3.
Subject to the minimum, the fee will be negotiated between the Board and the organizing federation in each individual case.
However, a sponsor name tied to an EC or E&A Titled Event will always get invoiced.
4.11. Insurance
4.11.1. Personal Insurance ‑ Competitors
It is the responsibility of each Federation when entering competitors for international competitions to ensure that its competitors are insured for personal accident, permanent disabilities, death and medical expenses.
4.11.2. Personal insurance ‑ Officials
The EC shall provide accident insurance for its elected Committee and Council members, for competitions and meetings which they attend and for all Officials who are appointed to events on the official Calendar. The insurance cover shall be:
Death by Accident 350.000 Euro
Permanent Disability 350.000 Euro
Cover will be effective from the commencement of their travel to the competition or meeting and continue until the safe conclusion of their travel after the event or meeting to their home, place of work or next place of stay, whichever is reached first.
4.11.3. Public Liability Insurance
It is the responsibility of each member Federation of the EC to have valid insurance cover for Public Liability with a recommended minimum of 1.000.000 Euro for any and all accidents, physical or material, caused to third parties by the organizers, their helpers, assistants or other persons taking part in the event. This shall also apply to the material and installations used in the competition, during the training, competition and at any time during the event. This shall apply to all events, races or competitions.
4.12. Obligations of Competitors
Competitors competing in competitions shall at all times comply with the Rules governing competitions.
In the case of an infraction sanctions varying from a written warning to temporary or permanent exclusion from IWWF activities may be applied by the appropriate authority (see art. 5.2). Appeals procedure shall be as art. 5.3.
4.13. Obligations of Officials
Officials, whether or not appointed to an event, shall act in a proper manner in keeping with their responsibilities. At all times they shall:
=Act impartially, completely disregarding nationality.
= Be in possession of and follow scrupulously and conscientiously all rules and regulations
published by the IWWF and the EC.
= Comply with the decisions of the Chief Judge and/or the Jury, taken within their authority.
= Make no personal comments, either in private or in public, on matters which are or have been the subject of discussion within the Jury.
= Uphold the authority and dignity of the IWWF and the EC.
= Attend all events to which they have been appointed unless having given prior reasonable notice to the organizers and the relevant Council Chairman.
In the case of an infraction sanctions varying from a written warning to temporary or permanent exclusion from IWWF activities may be applied by the appropriate authority (see art. 5.2). Appeals procedure shall be as art. 5.3.
4.14. Availability of Officials
Each year International Officials are expected to make themselves available to officiate at one or two events in their own country as required by their National Federation.
4.15. – National Representation of Officials.
First principle
The country of representation of an Official in the EC Confederation is the National Federation who originally endorsed the application for his/her International Exam.
If required by their own Federation, International Officials must be members of their National Federation.
Changing countries
See Appendix-D : the Rules of Eligibility,