The Participation of Russian and Belarusian Officials in IWWF competitions under the IWWF flag has been approved by the IWWF Executive Board with the following conditions:
- Officials will apply individually to the IWWF’s Secretary General. Each application will be submitted to the IWWF Bureau for review and resolution.
- For the duration of the war in Ukraine, the officials can perform under the IWWF flag in IWWF events except for IWWF World Titled Events and IWWF Confederation Titled Events.
- Officials must refrain from publicly showing support for the conflict. Any public statements, including those made on social media, will result in the authorisation being revoked and further sanctions under IWWF rules.
- Officials will not speak on behalf of the IWWF.
- In case of any infringements, the application by the officials to participate under the IWWF flag will be reviewed by the IWWF Bureau and the approval could be revoked immediately.
August 10, 2023
IWWF’s Updated Position On The Participation of Athletes from Russia and Belarus
In response to the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) recommendation on the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in international sports competitions, the IWWF Executive Board has made the decision to allow athletes from Russia and Belarus to register and compete under the IWWF flag, for the duration of the war in Ukraine, in IWWF events EXCEPT for IWWF World Titled Events and IWWF Confederation Titled Events subject to the following conditions:
- Athletes will participate only as individuals and will in no way represent their respective countries or federations.
- Athletes must refrain from publicly showing support for the conflict in Ukraine.
- Athletes are not authorised to act or speak on behalf of the IWWF, claim any financial support from the IWWF, or claim any other affiliation or status with the IWWF.
In case of any infringements, the application by the athlete to participate under the IWWF flag will be reviewed by the IWWF Bureau and the approval could be revoked immediately.
The IWWF will continue not to sanction any events held in Russia or Belarus.
Please click here to read more about the process, conditions and information in detail to compete in IWWF-events.
Related News
May 1, 2023 – IWWF’s Position on The Participation of Athletes from Russia and Belarus
March 3, 2022 – IWWF Resolution On The Conflict In Ukraine