Who We Are
Elected Members 2022-2025 (next Election 2026 EC Congress)
Candido MOZ (ITA) – Chairperson
Amanda SCHERER (GER) – Secretary
Dimos ALEXOPOULOS (GRE) – Officials
Aliaksandra BERAZOUSKAYA (FRA) – Exams
Ricardo BOTAS (ESP) – Drivers & Titled Event Bulletins
Morten FROULUND (DEN) – IWWF EC Admincom & EMS
Gavin KELLY (GBR) – Rules & Representative to the IWWF EC Admincom
Martin KOLMAN (CZE) – Athlete’s Representative
Stian LILLEBERG (NOR) – Treasurer
Hannu RINTANEN (FIN) – Website Admin & Scorers
+ Howard RAMSDEN (RSA) – Delegate of the IWWF Africa Confederation
World Waterski Council Delegates
Candido MOZ
+ All Council members – Alternate for Europe

What We Do
From IWWF Europe Confederation Bye-Laws
3.5. Divisional Councils
3.5.1. Composition and election
Only Federations directly engaged in the specific division shall be entitled to propose candidates for Divisional Councils or vote. ”Directly engaged” means having voting rights for that specific division at the Congress.
Elections will be held at the Congress in every even numbered year not being a leap year.
Each Divisional Council will be composed of a minimum of three members and a maximum of seven, not including an optional athlete’s representative, plus an optional representative nominated by the African Confederation (see also Note-1).
The athletes representative will get elected by his peers at the “open” divisional championships. There is no limit on the term of this person, the athletes decide amongst themselves. He/she is considered to be a full member of the Council, including voting rights.
In a non-election year the Councils may apply to the Congress for more members provided the Admincom agrees. Once increased this number may continue at the discretion of the Admincom and approved by Congress.
In the event of resignation or death of a member of a Divisional Council, that Council is empowered to co-opt a substitute member whose nomination shall be submitted to the next Congress, but only with the approval of his Federation which must be ”directly engaged”.
A member of a Divisional Council who is not present, force majeure excepted, at two consecutive Council Meetings or at three non-consecutive meetings during a term of office, will automatically be considered to have resigned. This includes both physical meetings and the scheduled conference calls. The Divisional Council may co-opt a substitute member of its own choice but only with the approval of his Federation which must be ”directly engaged”.
The substitute’s term of office will end at the same time as that of the member replaced.
The members of each Council shall elect among themselves their President, Secretary and
They shall also elect one primary member and a substitute to represent their Council on the Administrative Committee. Only those members of a Council elected at a Congress or
subsequently co-opted to be a member of a Council shall be eligible to represent the Council at the European Administrative Committee.
Should the primary representative not be able to attend an Admincom meeting then the substitute will get fully briefed by the primary one and the substitute has voice and vote at that particular Admincom meeting. Should both not be able to attend an Admincom meeting then the Council can delegate another of its members, but that person will have voice but no vote.
The Admincom meets three times a year : during the yearly Congress weekend, in spring and in November. The November meeting is the most important and a representative from each Council is required. Should a Council not be represented at the November meeting, then the Admincom is empowered to withhold (part of) the grant that Council would normally receive for the ensuing year.
They shall also elect three members and one alternate member to serve on the relevant World Council. Athlete representatives elected by their peers to represent them on the Confederation Council are not eligible to be elected to represent the Confederation Council at the World Council.
However, if they are elected by their peers to represent them as World Athlete Representative on the World Council, that is their right.
NOTE – 1 : Excerpt from the Memorandum of Understanding between the European
Confederation (EC) and the African Confederation (AC).
Divisional Councils:
The EC will continue with its own councils.
An AC nominated delegate is invited to participate at all the meetings.
That person will have a voice and a vote if the AC has proven activities in that division.
In case where the AC does not have activities in that division, the AC nominated person will have a voice but no vote.
3.5.2. Powers and duties
The powers and duties of each Council are:
- To promote the specific sporting interest of its division, with due observance to the
recommendations of the Admincom. - To draw up rules for events containing the words ‘Europe’, ‘European’, ‘EC’ or ‘E&A’ in their title and ensure that all orders and instructions necessary for the organisation and the running of those events are respected.
- To draw up the practical and theoretical examinations of international judges and
officials to conduct examinations and maintain a register of all those qualified. - To set the conditions to be observed for the establishment and the homologation of
records. - To submit a list of judges and officials for EC or E&A Titled Events to the EC Bureau and
for World titled events to the President of the International Waterski & Wakeboard
Federation and the Chairman of the World Council concerned. - To decide the category of competitions and the conditions required for them to be
accepted for the calendar. - To draw up Standings Lists of skiers in EC and E&A, by division, from results of
homologated competitions. - To test and approve boats and equipment.
- To appoint 3 members plus a substitute to represent the EC on the relevant World
Council. If the Council decides to put forward a person to World level that is not a member of the Council, then this person needs the approval of his Federation which must be ”directly engaged”.
In the case where the Admincom believes a Council decision is against the best interest of the sport as a whole, then the Admincom has the right to request that the Council members reconsider their decision. The Council will be given the reasons for the Admincom’s request. In the event of a disagreement the decision of the Admincom is final.
3.5.3. Meetings
The Councils will meet on the convocation of their Presidents or Secretaries whenever they consider it appropriate and at least three times a year.
The decisions of a Council are valid only if at least three of its members are present. Nevertheless, postal or electronic voting is permissible on specific proposals.
If only two members of a Council are present at a meeting attended by the President or the Secretary General of the EC, either of these may participate, with a vote, to complete a quorum.
Meetings can exceptionally be convened at the request of at least three members of a Council. In case of urgent matters the Board will then decide to call a meeting which may be conducted by email or online discussion.
Decisions of the Divisional Councils will be taken by simple majority.
Electronic voting is permitted.
In case of equal voting, the casting vote of the Council President will decide the issue.